So, I haven’t been able to talk about this project until now and I’m very excited! Coming in 2019, I will be part of 2 different multi-author boxed sets. The one I wanted to talk about today, is FATED MATES.


This is a limited edition collection of 23 paranormal romance novels. Now, as you might have guessed, I usually write cozy mystery and urban fantasy. That isn’t changing. I’m just branching out and doing it with a lovely co-author: Molly Zenk. If her name sounds familiar, that’s a good thing. Molly and I met nearly ten years ago through our mutual literary agent (at the time) and we’ve been corresponding and supporting each other’s writing journeys ever since. This year, we decided to make a go of co-authoring two different trilogies and one of them, CAPTIVITY, will be released in FATED MATES.

Captivity tells the story of Aiden and Lorelei, two shifters trying to break free of both literal and figurative captivity all while trying to find love in a world that only values them for their inherent magical abilities.

We hope that you’ll be interested in checking out their story.

One of the big aims with this particular boxed set is to hit the USA Today Bestseller list. From a behind-the-scenes perspective I can tell you it is a LOT of work. We have sales goals for Nook (Barnes & Noble), Apple Books and Amazon.

So, please consider picking up a copy (it’s only $0.99) on Apple Books and Nook today!