Well, Kindle Scout is over and while I ended up with about 2 1/2 days on the Hot & Trending list at the end of the campaign and had 445 page views, I did not get selected for publication. But, that’s okay. Kindle Press is extremely selective in what they publish, as any publisher should be, and I was ready to put this work out into the world on my own anyway. I would definitely consider doing another Kindle Scout campaign if I have a work that fits within their criteria again. After all, I’m hoping to have the sequel ready to go by end of 2017 or beginning of 2018.

But focusing back on “Muse Song”, I will be publishing it in both print and ebook in early January. I’ll be releasing it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Kobo. Once links are available I will be sharing them on the series page. I intend to release the book free for the first 3-5 days to garner some interest before raising it back up to full price.

For anyone interested in getting a copy ahead of release, I will be sharing a link to request an Advance Reader Copy next week. My mailing list will be receiving this information before anyone else so if you want first crack at it and you are’t already on the list, I’d suggest signing up now.

I would just like to thank everyone again for supporting me in the crazy adventure. It means the world to me.