A Fresh Face!

Coming in to the release of Spring’s Calling, I decided I need to do a bit of a face lift for my social media presence and my website. And here it is! It’s bright and shiny and very me. I have to say I love how the quill looks like it’s writing out...

SPRING’S CALLING Cover Reveal and Release Date!

Well, folks. The time has come to share the cover art for SPRING’S CALLING! I am really proud of the work that Deranged Doctor Design did with this one. It came together very quickly and really pops with colors and definitely does its job of communicating the...

Kickstarter: A Retrospective

Looking back on this whole Kickstarter experience, it is a little hard to believe that it has only been a week since the campaign ended. This whole journey really started back last October when I had an in-person sit down with the folks at Instafreebie (conveniently...

A Successful Campaign!

Well, as of 6:00 EDT yesterday, the Spring’s Calling Kickstarter campaign successfully funded. Over the course of the campaign, we raised $2,027 together! Thank you to everyone who pledged and shared the campaign along the way. We now enter a bit of a waiting...

We’re Halfway There!

We are now halfway done with the Spring’s Calling Kickstarter campaign! It’s hard to believe how quickly this is all going and yet it also feels like it is moving rather slowly. I worked on the campaign itself for close to three months before launch and we...

Kickstarting My Next Book

I am two weeks away from taking a big leap into the unknown and I wanted to fill you all in on it. On April 23, 2018 I will be launching my first Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to help produce my next book, SPRING’S CALLING. Wondering what Kickstarter is?...

A Look Back at 2017

HAPPY NEW YEARS! In only a few short hours, we will say goodbye to 2017 and ring in the New Year. Before that happens, I wanted to look back at the year I’ve had and share it with you all, because you have been a big part of it! The year started with the release of my...