Spot the Bottle Episode

I’m cross-posting this little piece I put up on the TV recap blog that my friend Jen and I run. If you watch a lot of TV like I do, you’ll start to pick up on the way shows are filmed and structured. Thanks to a rather informative DVD commentary on Leverage...

In Review: Go Set a Watchman

In case you hadn’t heard, Harper Lee (author of To Kill a Mockingbird) has put out a new novel. It is a sequel of sorts to her earlier work. Now, early reviews were mixed and many said the writing was weak and the story shallow. Naturally, I wanted to find out...

Archangel Rising: Volume 1 for Sale

So, I know I haven’t talked much about it but last year I did some write-for-hire short stories. I’ve since gotten the rights back to the material and so I decided to publish it on my own (and under my own name rather than a pseudonym). It is available in...

In Review: Discount Armageddon

So this summer I plan on doing a lot of reading as we have some big life changes in my household (namely moving at the end of August). As such, I wanted to share my thoughts on a new series I just started reading last week. I’m always up for finding new series...

Unplanned is back online!

I know I’m a little late in sharing this news (I had a busy weekend and then I got knocked out with a nasty cold) but Unplanned is officially back up for sale on various sites where ebooks are sold. I have added links to most of the sites on the page for...

Unplanned Gets New Cover Art

As I mentioned back in February, the rights to Unplanned have been reverted back to me. I’ve chosen to go forward and publish the second edition myself. The print and e-book versions should be live in the next 2-3 weeks and I will of course share more when that...

In Review: Witches of Echo Park

A lot of things have been going on in my writing world of late but I thought it was time to resurrect some book reviews. So for the rest of the summer I will be posting reviews of the books I read, along with a special post about series and where they can go wrong. As...

Sad News

I know it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything here. I apologize for that. I’ve been a bit caught up in life and other projects (more on that at a slightly later date). It is with a sad heart that I have to tell you all that as of February...

In Review: Requiem for the Dead

So I’m back with another book review. I know it’s been a while since I updated. I’ve been busy with grown up stuff like work. But I was lucky enough to score an advanced reader copy of this book (releasing September 16, 2013 on B&N and Amazon). Title: Requiem for...